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Does anybody else feel like the winter fog has finally lifted?? Sorry to all of you who love winter, but it’s just not my season. It’s amazing how much better I feel, both mentally and physically, once spring arrives and the sun is shining. I love spring cleaning and getting ready for the months ahead of gardening, staying up with the sun and playing outside! Life feels a bit brighter as we get to watch the whole world come out of dormancy.
Here are some fun spring activities that you and your kids might enjoy!
Plant Seeds
Each time spring rolls around, I get a little ahead of myself wanting to do everything all at once. But there’s no harm in getting a jump start on some gardening. If you aren’t quite ready for that, or if you aren’t a big gardener, it’s still fun to plant a few flower seeds that you can either keep inside or transplant once it gets warmer. I also find it such a beautiful experience watching your kids plant seeds and check on them each day, waiting for the first signs of green. My kids think it’s so exciting that a plant comes from such a tiny seed, and there’s nothing cuter than your 2 year old trying to pronounce the word Marigold 🙂
It’s also a great opportunity to talk about the life cycle of plants, and to encourage your kids to appreciate nature. It’s so special watching your children look after something and nurture it. I usually give my kids spray bottles to water their seeds because they’re a little more controlled and our seeds don’t drown. (Of course they each need their own). With more established plants they use little watering cans.
I LOVE National Geographic kits, and my kids have tried several different kinds. This one is great because it’s a totally self contained system with pots the kids can decorate themselves, peat pellets, easy to grow seeds, and a little shovel. Of course egg cartons and peat pots are great, especially if you’re planting a lot, and they’re biodegradable so you can transplant them right into the ground.

Look for Crocuses

We are constantly on the lookout for crocuses as soon as the snow melts! My kids love finding the different colours and seeing new ones pop up around our neighbourhood. There are tons of other flowers coming out right now that my kids are also enjoying, and we like looking them up and learning about different species.
Sometimes you get the added bonus of seeing bees or other bugs on or around the flowers, which is always fun for my kids.
Watch Birds
This doesn’t have to be as serious as it sounds, haha! I found these binoculars last year and they were SO worth it. I keep ours on our front window sill and both of my kids use them throughout the day to look at birds. Right now there are so many to see and hear! Chickadees, hummingbirds, eagles, crows, and geese are some of the ones my kids especially love to spot (or chase). I also remember to pack these with us whenever we go to the park, or on a walk, or even in the car. They can be super fun for playing eye spy, or just for exploring the world around them.

Make Bird Seed Cookies

These are very easy to make! Combine one pack of gelatin with 1/4 cup water in a pot and simmer until gelatin is dissolved. Allow to cool slightly and stir in 3/4 cup birdseed. Fill cookie cutters half way with the mixture (on parchment paper) and add a loop of twine before filling the other half of the cookie cutter. Dry overnight.
There are so many great things to do in the spring, and it’s so much fun bringing out all the things that were put away for the winter. We love chalk, bubbles, jump ropes, bikes, soccer balls, baseballs, you name it! But I thought the activities above were a little more unique. One of the reasons I love these activities is because they make me slow down and look at the wonder in the world. Looking for the “signs of spring” with my kids reminds me that even the smallest things can be exciting and beautiful, and it allows me to change my outlook on life! Spring makes us feel sunny 🙂