I used to dislike matcha and thought it was an overrated, trendy drink. However, I think it was because I had never had one made properly with a good quality matcha. So I decided to try again, and now I drink them on a regular basis! Matcha has amazing health benefits and a rich history that dates back over 1000 years, so I knew there had to be a reason for its popularity. Matcha is high in antioxidants, has been known to improve memory, concentration, and metabolism, and can provide you with energy while also calming your mind. Enough said, right?
I learned a little more about matcha from this amazing book that I reference all the time. It has a traditional recipe for matcha (not in latte form) and has other amazing recipes as well 🙂 https://amzn.to/45aTlZL It’s my go-to book for any quick questions I have about every kind of tea imaginable.
This post is inspired by my best friend who was SO sweet and sent me a video of her matcha preparation to help me get started 🙂 I prefer to drink my matcha in latte form, but the benefits are still there and the flavour is more mild. It can either be a morning kick starter or a nice little afternoon treat. This isn’t a purist matcha, but it’s the way I’ve come to love it and I hope you enjoy it, too!
Set Up:
First of all, the equipment you use to make your matcha really does matter. You need a little bowl, a strainer and a proper matcha whisk. Trust me, I tried to use a regular whisk one time and it was not ideal. My husband bought me a beautiful set for Christmas and I absolutely love it.
I set mine up as a little station in a corner of my kitchen, so it stays there permanently on the cloth. The bowl, also called a chawan, is beautiful and uneven… I love it! The matcha whisk, or chasen, comes with a holder so that it can dry properly and hold its shape after use. It also has a traditional matcha scoop with a little duck holder (mine is missing the beak because my kids think the duck is cute, and despite being told it isn’t a toy, have dropped it on several occasions haha). The strainer is important to get the powder as smooth as possible with no lumps.

- Heat up the water to 80 degrees. My kettle can be set to a specific temperature. Or you can simply bring the water to a boil and then let it cool off a bit before using. It is essential that you do NOT use boiling water because it burns the very delicate green tea and makes it taste even more bitter than you might already think it is. This was a big lesson for me: never use boiling water for any type of green tea.
- Put a scoop of matcha in the strainer above the bowl, and use the scoop to push it through the strainer so it’s smooth with no lumps.
- Add a small amount of water to the matcha powder (I would say a few tablespoons) and then use a zig zag motion to quickly whisk the water and powder for at least a minute.
- If you need a little extra sweetener, I add a squirt of honey at this point, and a little extra hot water, and then I whisk it for another minute. I have a sweet tooth, so I always need a bit of sweet to counteract the earthy matcha flavour. I will occasionally use a tiny bit of lavender flavoured sugar (a delicious gift from my mom) instead of honey! https://amzn.to/3IqtBi6
- Pour the matcha into your mug, and add whatever frothed milk you choose. I use about 1 cup of almond or oat milk, heated up and then frothed with this frother (it even comes with a stand) that I keep next to my matcha station! https://amzn.to/41tf8cb
- If you want a cold drink, follow steps 1-3, pour matcha over a few ice cubes, and then pour cold milk (not frothed) on top. But right now with this cold, rainy weather, I would recommend a cozying up with a hot drink!

I am an avid tea drinker, so I always wanted to get into matcha, but just couldn’t get past the gritty, bitter ones I’d tried, or the overly sweet, more processed ones I’d had in some coffee shops. Not that there aren’t coffee shops that do it properly! But how many times have you ordered a matcha and actually seen someone use a whisk to make it?? I’m so glad my best friend sent me a video of her routine and that I gave it another chance. It is such a nice treat, and gives me a little boost in the afternoon. I drink black tea in the morning, so matcha is a treat for me (not every day) in the afternoon. I find that even though it has a lot of caffeine, it has a more sustained release, not like the jolt of caffeine I get when I drink coffee. This “espresso of the tea world” makes me feel revitalized instead of jittery. Again, this is just my preferred way to drink matcha, so I hope you enjoy it.
Favourite Brands:
These might change, and of course I’ll try new ones, but for the moment these three are my favourite brands.
Virtue Tea from Nelson, BC https://virtuetea.ca/
Jade Leaf from Amazon https://amzn.to/3o5qgOv
Westholme Tea in Duncan, BC https://westholmetea.com/
I also need to mention my stepmom, who rivals me when it comes to drinking an insane amount of tea. She took me to the Westholme Tea Farm on a trip to the island earlier in the year. It was so beautiful and is the only commercial organic tea grower in Canada! It was such a special outing that I will always remember, and the matcha is both high quality and delicious. Cheers!